Just as a man who works the day then night
And then when day breaks carries on his working
Indifferent to sleep but resolute
To finish an invented thing he is making
Will start to see things and hallucinate,
So as we walked along I was mistaken.
“Who are you? Where from? Tell me where we are.”
The atmosphere thick like a public bar.
Those were the anxious things I said, meanwhile
He gave no answer. In the gloomy light
Which fires threw on our walking mile by mile
I saw the towers of Wrexham up ahead
The parish church in that late gothic style
Mansions and walls untouched and still complete
As if the bombs had never knocked them down
But time had reversed, rebuilding the town.
The red chimneys still affronted the sky
While there were terraced houses under them
And fancy pipeworks of small industry.
Even though the dead made desultory home
And lay unhappily along our way.
In 1918, to Jerusalem,
Came TE Lawrence liberating it
And so my leader seemed to me like that.
Calmly he walked, as if he did not care
And scruffily as if despite being lazy,
By accident he won that holy war.
Just so, my leader seemed to find it easy
To see the bodies strewn across the floor
And evidence that the dead were going crazy
And had arisen from their holes and graves.
He spoke at last, when we had reached the Groves.
“Here space is time, so as we walk onward
Time also moves, and when we halt time stops.
As I created the world with my word
So now, I draw it back into collapse.
But slowly, retrograde. It is too hard
To take the world from you except in steps.
All of creation is reversing now
For you. Behold, I am making all things new.”
So he, and I: “At last, I realise.
I have not lived, here nobody survives!
And this, my country comes back in reprise
With living corpses rising from their graves
Is just as finished as imperial Greece
When Athens ruled, or Venice ruled the waves.
And you, I know who you are now, my lord
I’m not consoled, though, I am not consoled.”
“I am not happy, I don’t understand
Why I have lived to see destruction
Why I have been saved for the final end
And why the laws of time which should press on
Are being mangled up by your own hand.
What will you do to me? In my fashion
I would prefer to die.” I said, my knees
Gave way, and then we went on through the trees.
The man-made and the God made things were in spate
The human things were disappearing fast
The things of nature spreading at the same rate.
And at the place where there had used to rest
The cenotaph I found nothing of note.
Just tangled bush and native tree forest.
“You want to kill yourself, and to release
In your way. That could never be the case.
“Let me communicate again what is going on
We are going to make our way out of all things.
A stubborn man like you, a common man
You have failed to follow me out of all beings
You had your own will, your life was your own
When you were called by me before your sins
Were thick and heavy and you had no faith
You went your own way right unto your death.
“You had no hope in future life with me.
You would not trust me talking to your heart
And worst, you were cold as machinery
And took the opportunity to hurt
When it had been the time for charity.
And now, when I dispose of every part
Of the created world and throw aside
What does not know me, I would leave you for dead.
“Watch as that streak of light moves West to East
That is the sun cycling around the globe
I make it move like that, or slow or fast.
It is nothing to me whether it move
One way or other; but into the past
I am taking you, and not from any love
Which you have generated mirrored
Which is the image of the Father and God.”
I will not tell you how I felt that time
Or what emotions filled me with despair
When he said this, but still I lacked the shame
To stop me asking: “Why then are you here?
Have you decided to forgive my crime?”
“There are two children who have prayed somewhere
I know that place, but you are less familiar
With that place, but for them, I am going to tell you.
“The children told my mother how you tried,
And she petitioned me to take you in.”
We trod the ground out of that waste and void
A dark land now, where my birth place had been
I was embarrassed to much in my pride
But touched his coat in secret like the woman
Who was cursed with bleeding. “Don’t feel dejected,”
He said: “I’ll tell these stories, so you are corrected.
“That church you went to, stood near Liverpool
That shrine to Saint Elizabeth, the wife
Of Alexander Second, Duke of Moscow
That archduke, and that arch conservative.
When nihilists murdered him for his harsh rule
The saint picked up his body out of love
And calmly did so, to be killed at last
By those same killers. You will face this test.
“And Nicholas, apostle to Japan
Who turned five times ten thousand men to Christ;
Among the first, a samurai and man
Who brought a sword to kill him and be first
To murder for the state; that man turned, one
Of Japan’s foremost sons of God, baptised.
So, take my shoulder, it is the first hour.
And follow God with heart, and mind, and power.”
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