The doctor pointed at a path and gate.
The Gwenfro went along toward the sea.
The path along the shore led to the boat
From there, we would set sail, apparently
Without restrictions of a place or port
Without dry land, nation, community.
There, homeless men around a fire stood
Warming their hands, turning as I approached.
My master joined them by the open barrel
Black silhouettes around the tongues of fire
“These were the voice of God to the people;
These men are Amos, Enoch, Jeremiah
The prophets come first, and leave before trouble
Because they hear and carry divine law
And we are, too.” They did not say a word,
But moved with us with the call to get on board.
I think we were set loose in dissolution
Of land and safety, safe behind the wall
Of that old relic ship. I asked this question:
“Those men were ignorant, you, King of all,
Should interest them, men of their profession,
But they were blind,” and he said: “They saw well.
But you, do you think I’m stood by you alone?
Each sees me, intimately on his own.
“The way we came and that gate that you took
Is yours alone, like all the good and evil
Which you have done, and how you made your mark
Are all entirely private; like your navel
And the navel of the entire world framework
Reside in the same spot. And I am able
To be for you entirely and for them,
In Wales or in distant Jerusalem.
“Be calm, and resolute, and be content
I will look after you,” he turned to face
The way the water lead in its movement:
“On land again, all time will become space
We walk toward the end by our intent
Toward the start point of the human race
And further yet, us two, to the big bang
So called, from which time and creation spring.”
A compass tells a mariner where north is
Its needle points along the lines
Which head toward the top and central axis
Of this Earth. Make a compass by these means:
A finely shaped metallic strip, ferrous
Which magnetically grips on other irons,
Suspended on a point, inside a case,
Protected to move freely, behind glass.
To know where you are going, devise maps
Recording features of the coast and land.
You need a magnifying scope perhaps
To help the eye what lies at hand.
Glass can be formed and ground down into shapes
Which focus light and make the distance stand
Close by. Two lenses held close, back to back
Gather the image for the maps you make.
Study the sun at all times of the year
The highest that it reaches at a time
Can indicate the place on earth you are.
The angle of the sun should be the same
When latitude and when the calendar
Align. Thus, when you navigate from home
And don’t know how far north you hve made your way
Find out the date, and the sun’s high at midday.
Where you are east and west is difficult
Unless you have a clock. Again the sun
Can indicate midday for men in a boat.
The further west you go the time of noon
Will change, and that is how you navigate
Knowing the time as it is in London
And what the midday high is where you are.
Work out the difference using our star.
I lay down, Christ sat by me; I heard talk
Among the Hebrew prophets, recognised
Among those with us one Zlavoj Zizek,
The intellectual and communist.
I went to see, and saw that Houllebecq.
Zizek lisping, the other quiet, discussed
And spoke as follows: “All things were in place
For money, time was money, and business.
“No other motive pushed along those lands.
Their motto was, ‘Every thing is for sale’,
And, ‘Let’s go shopping’. This is where that ends.
Meaning and order, simple and ideal
Were nothing there, beyond the bag of coins.’
Thus Zizek shouted over the wind howl,
And both of them, the last gasp of the true
Were ferried onward in our dead doomed crew.
“Rest now and sleep,” my master said to me.
“Tomorrow at landfall we’ll be prepared
For seeing what you did not get to see
In lived experience, things that kill heart
But must be known and done. The heavenly
Which comes when we have gone back to the start
Needs pure intelligence and honesty
For which our pilgrimage makes you ready.”
At morning, when I woke, I could see coast
Like a peninsula at Greece or Athos
Where I had been in youth and at my cost.
The man steering the boat shouted out thus:
“When James and John wanted to rule with Christ
One on his left and one his right sat down, this,
What they would rule is right before us here
The kingdom of this world all dark and drear.”
He looked at me, and also at my lord.
“I thought that I alone could see your shape?”
I said, and he: “And that is still my word.”
“I see the Lord beside you in the light
Of energy of God flowing on board
The unforgettable and uncreate.
I am him who they called St Symeon
The New Theologian when I had done.
“Reviving the tradition of real prayer
Monastic, vital, taking heaven by violence
With inner meditation that despair
Had made men of my time bind up in actions
And made them lose their way,” he spoke and there
The land was all before us, all distractions
But there is time to tell the things I saw
This song is finished here, but there is more.
Total amount of Hits:1971