How the archangels came on I remember
In two ranks, Michael and Uriel first
And then the others wearing classic armour
Ready for bitter fighting and the worst
And then the angels followed without number
With wings and loosely fitting white robes dressed
No doubt so they can move freely between
The material world and what’s beyond the line.
The humans followed them I can assert
With Joan of Arc the fighting saint of France
And by her side that saint John of Kronstadt
And Paisius who gave Russia the chance
To enjoy God’s company when the age grew hard
Just as the Wesley brothers did so once,
And they were there. King Baldwin marched past then.
They opened up the path from God to men.
The people next, in their opposing sex,
The men and women who do different roles;
To me they were the fortunate elect
The quick and dead were everyone equals
Or rich or poor, they carried on their backs
The bergan of faith that through tears and smiles
They carried in life. That is what I saw
They marched past forward for an hour and more.
Alas, in that annihilated land
Right in the middle of the road they used,
A shaft was cut from inside underground
An empty hole a hundred meters wide
Perfectly cut so it as to be quite round
Like Bernard Lovell’s telescope which stood
At Jodrell Bank, though not up to the sky
But like a mine shaft going down below.
The land just sank into that massive pit;
I went toward the edge but not too close
And saw no reason and no point to it.
Now, if you can imagine those rainbows
That you have seen, imagine the inside
And think of how a channel made of colours
Can be a tunnel, that is how it was;
It made a noise, too, sort of like a buzz,
The noise of electricity pylons
Which hum continuously as they vibrate.
The people fell to falling in at once,
They seemed to want to, calm and resolute.
I shouted out to warn them in response,
Like anybody would witnessing that.
But worse was still to come; an octopus
With one big head came out of that abyss.
It was all muscle, lacking any bone,
And stretched itself out underneath its head
To move around crawl hither and yon.
The people had to flee to either side
Into the desert; but the head alone
Was fifty meters, and the arms stretched, wide,
So, most of them were pulled into the pit,
“It is a disaster, what is this!” I cried.
“We came so far to lose it at the last!”
But I was not equipped to intervene.
“Leviathan,” a voice said in their midst,
And that man who possessed the voice began
To make his way out, where I stood depressed:
“These are the remnant who refused to turn
Although they thought that they were Christians
With all their kindness for the muselmans
“It was a kindness aimed at heretics
And for each other in the warm embrace
Of this great beast which stops them in their tracks.
See that man falling down there was Bill Gates
A charitable man who sold the hoax
That this great beast could save the human race,
With tech and know-how and with close control.
But this beast was no more than an idol.
“See how it made the British and the Turks
Make war together at Sebastopol
Instead of working with the Orthodox.
And how, despite the means and power as well,
In India it did mercantile works
But missed the opportunity to tell
The Hindus and the Muslims all the truth
But left them to their wrong heretic faith.
“And so, eventually, the same at home.
World peace was what it called its heart’s desire.
And even enemies were made welcome.”
He had a fat, John Bullish stout figure,
And wore a southern German man’s costume
A short embroidered jacket is what he wore
And cut off trousers, stitched above the knee.
“Who are you?” I asked. This was his reply:
“God is a person. But they were too clever
Or to self-hating to believe that God
Was like them, and is watching them forever.
Be careful, though, to know what I have said
Does not release me from, or else dissever,
Me from the knowledge that he does exceed
A firm description. Just as you alone
Are living in your life, so he is one.”
“But you, who are you, sir?” I said again.
“Leviathan,” he said, and watched the scene,
And he, perhaps he could not hear me then,
Or else perhaps deep in meditation,
Failed to reply. When you look at the sun
You close your eyes and give your head a turn,
So I removed my gaze from that fell beast,
And looked at him, to put my mind at rest.
“You do not recognise me? You once came
To see the hut I built at Todtnauberg
You wrote my daughter, round about the time
When you were writing one or other book.
But what of that? We want to give a name
To the event we witness here at work.
They called Liberalism in my day
But looking deeper, it is Technology.
“Come closer, let us look.” We could inspect
The pit despite the great arms reaching out.
The shaft was something that an architect
Would build from glass and steel to absorb light
Ephemeral buildings that you would expect
In Rome or Alexandria, of late;
All straight and shining perpendicular
They were incredible, the things I saw.
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