When infantry go forward from their base
They stick to roads, and check them as they go,
A couple of their soldiers first debus
And use their eyes to look for mines. Just so
The path we took had been made safe for us;
And all the British infantry I knew
Were carried to their jobs in armoured trucks
Long iron columns rolling on their tracks
Which leave deep ruts in mud, easy to see
And likewise there, the track was obvious
Made by that visionary company.
It was the fifth day. Depopulated place
A land without a sign of industry
Dead land, a dead place without factories
Without an agriculture or employment
A zombie living dead environment
Back in the mist of time the rich class rose
And turned the land to industry and filth
The earth was mined and burned for a purpose
And when the land could not deliver wealth
They left it, like a ghost town, a ghost place
Taking with them the money got by stealth
And leaving roofless warehouses on shore
Leaving the ruins for the workless poor
A land that dare not speak the name of Christ
Without community, or work, or worship.
Just so, my England, and the ancient West
A pile of rubbish in a great rubbish heap
A slate grey sky cut by a lightning burst
That’s what I saw then, and did I wake or sleep?
The barren skyline seemed to give me proof
Both of the old life and the afterlife.
“Where men divorce, and women freely kill
Their infants in the womb. No generation
To make an army, or to work with skill;
Place without fathers, beaten empty nation,
With offshore riches, offshore work as well,
So that we grew up rootless in our fashion
Collapsed defeated land without future
And nameless hoards punished us for our error.”
I spoke like that, lamenting on the state
Of world back then, and world as it appeared.
The philosopher didn’t hesitate:
“But there is Hope,” and “Listen to my word:
There’s Hope, and what is wrong will be put right.
This ruin is the vengeance of the Lord.
In Germany they saw the same abyss
After the first war, and that awful loss
“And, rather than insist that any Fuhrer
And Parliament must each Commune weekly
An atheistic socialist endeavour
That they called Nazism held the key.
It was the Twilight of the Gods forever.
It was the world’s end. That is what we saw
Across the West. Inform me, how did you
Decide to turn, and go the other way?”
So, I said: “I just felt God watching me,
At times he shouted to me, face to face.
And at a moment of extremity
When Hope was hopeless, and I had no choice
I answered him, and learned to bend the knee.”
“The hard reality and emptiness
Of soulless ordering and pragmatic goals
Will bring men back to Being when night falls.”
Like this we talked, but mostly did not speak,
Until we came to where Ely once was.
And beauty that would force your heart to break,
The anti-gravity Cathedral towers
Where standing yet, golden, in the world’s wreck.
And nearby I could see old Cromwell’s house,
Empty and locked up. That was when a guide
An angel took my hand. I went inside.
When I looked back my friend was stood alone
And smiling to me. Like the other places
The nave was full, and in the maze of stone
Thousands of people looked and turned their gazes
Toward a vision where the altar had been.
Out of the annihilated empty spaces
Where no men lived but everyone was dead
A little girl was born purely for God.
My eyes were captured by the cosmic game,
I do not know how long. Eventually
I started looking round me in that room
And unlike other sinners usually
Who suffered something, these suffered no doom:
“What’s going on?” I asked one near to me,
“The Lady’s day of birth. We are to learn
How someone can, an entire lifetime, burn
“And fire the chaff of world and earth to ash
To love and be with God alone,” he said.
“Because existence happens by his wish,
Then such a concentration that she did
Is what we learn or learn to do afresh.”
And I: “What is your name?” But these words had
Just left my lips before a guardian
Was leading me by force back to the fen.
My backpack, which my shoulders hardly felt
Was lifted from me and a stone removed
And then refitted. Then, out in the cold.
The Gospels say, that Lord God Jesus saved
By the despatch of Spirit to the world
It seemed to me that what this means was proved
By how I then walked miles without a map
And yet I made it owing to my Hope.
The faith in him is love of something weird
It is outside existence, in the heart
Within the meditating loving head.
It did not hurt to be thrown in the dirt
Nor walk alone, the end of time toward.
At Lincoln three towers stood and did their part
Declaiming three in one divinity;
In there, the Annunciation. Not for me.
I was allowed to see, then was pushed away.
And then another isolated walk
Inspired by faith and Hope, to Coventry.
The bombed out roofless church was put to work
To mourn the death of that same saint Mary.
I saw them praying there as it grew dark:
“Mother of God, pray for us now and at
The hour of our death,” her to invocate.
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