I’m looking downward at my writing table
And thinking of the world in all its weather
The universe. The all. I am unable
To write a word, put one word with another.
In my time I have been in so much trouble
I could not put a single line together
The weight of Being pulled me once apart,
I was afraid to stop, afraid to start.
So ordered, and complete, the universe
Is profligate and great and always endless.
I called it life, and that was what it was.
And I’m writing about how it was mindless
It had no point. But in the child’s eyes
It could be grasped by grasping these two handles:
“Your world is only ever yours in fact
You are its meaning, you are its subject.
“And God is life, and he is a subject, too.
The world’s not separate and outside a man
The world is a man. Life makes a god of you
That’s what it’s for, that’s true for everyone.
O Newton’s English people never knew
The scheme of being and the larger plan
What the adventure is and what must be,”
She said, and then predicted this to me:
“You must explore the two aspects of life:
First, the created objective creation
Which God created from material stuff.
Second, how all of that is an illusion
If it’s considered real and objective.
Such are the two paths, coming in succession
Which we will take.” And that was how she spoke
Describing both my future and this book.
“That’s something I look forward to,” I said.
Yet I was building still, and digging clay.
The clay is fine grit soil a bit like mud
And if you fire it, heat it normally
Above a camp fire, it will go rock hard
And water cannot wash such brick away
Such fire bricks one foot long will line a house;
To rain and heat they are impervious.
With bricks around, I made a charcoal stove.
You dry distil the moisture from your wood,
In this way: take bricks, as I said above,
And make a kiln and put a fire inside;
But let the flame go low and let it starve,
By cutting air off with a massive lid,
But it will smoulder. Branches laid on it
Will go all black and dry, and that is that.
Charcoal will burn much hotter than mere timber.
While I was working the child undertook
To tell the future time. As I remember:
“We learn to build. And then we learn to cook
And harvest foods in a sufficient number.
And then we learn to locate and to work
The metals and materials to mine
You’ll learn these three essential things quite soon.
“That’s three stages. The fourth is chemicals
And matter in atomic combination.
The fifth: electric forces and the skills
Of hand you need will be your education.
Once that is done, the sixth set of levels
Requires the intellect arouse its passion,
To learn the mathematics behind these
And study all the stars and the planets.
“And finally, the two types of the law
The civil constitution’s settlement
That governs human cities, then, after
The ultimate divine law which God sent.”
“You listed seven stages for me there,
But those are science of the objective kind,
Rising like levels of a mountain side
Like stages rising up into the cloud
“Across from Snowden at Dinorwig mines
Row upon row. But what’s the higher stage
When we’ve exhausted the objective science
To reach fulfilment of the pilgrimage?”
And she: “At last, a man must take his chance
And turn to God, and be God in this age.”
And then untroubled by weakness of words
Or doubts, she foretold what came afterwards:
“When you were young in Wrexham there were monks
Of Hare Krishna on the High Street pavement
Handing out books outside the shops and banks
Preaching a science without precedent;
And DT Suzuki was famous, thanks
To how he told of prayer in his account
Of Zen and Buddha. They were teaching prayer
To people who’d forgotten who they were.
“The icon painters put around Christ’s head
The halo with the letters: ‘Ho’ and ‘Oon’
Which means: ‘Being’, Life as a whole,” she said,
And then went on: “Our God is also man
And says: ‘I am, I am’, last and first word,
For God is life and all of creation
In such a way that as a human being
You have God’s life and let creation clang.
“Don’t be afraid to think that it is mad
To think that you are God, or take offence
When it is told you that Jesus is God.
When any infantryman takes his chance
To join and march, he counts a prayer bead
And breathes mile after mile of endurance.
He has his compass, weapon in his hand
His pack weighs heavy, emptying his mind.
“Just so the ascetic struggles needlessly
Needlessly if the world sees what he’s doing.
Both men are those who face eternity.
And while the one is sacrifice for his town
The other turns his personality
Completely inwards to face God alone
In stillness. Sunrise happens just for him
The starry sky is him and is his home.
“The creator is a person just like you
As well as terrifying deep old Beyng.
Relentless life, and pointless life, it’s true –
But if you turn inside you see the spring:
That you and the Creator are not two,
But one.” I carried on with my building.
She said that all these things would be explained
And other hidden things, before the end.
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