We had to cross the straights to carry on
To Anglesey and to Beaumaris tower.
Immediately I found myself alone
A sudden awful loneliness and fear
A soldier feels when he is action
Additional to the coldness of the water;
It was as if I fell into a dream
Where things which are impossible take form.
We had to swim to reach the white island
There was no bridge. A thing with massive wings
Electric blue and red on either hand
It spoke with some authority in songs
Both near and far away, when it explained:
‘Depart, the Catechumens depart,’ and other things
While gesturing toward the other shore
I waded in, and then they were not there.
The children disappeared, it was far worse
Than I can demonstrate in poetry
And far more frightening than my metaphors
I was alone in my anxiety
And fell to panic for what seemed like hours
Then, finally I said: ‘Lord have mercy’
And kept repeating it while swimming out.
It’s hard for me, my bones were never light.
There is no air in me, my bones are dense.
And so I sink. My arms and legs were going
While in my mind I measured the distance
And trembled at the thought of simply dying
And drowning in the abyss full of my sins
And panicking and thinking and still trying
Similar to the way I count and measure
The feet, the rhymes and numbers of a chapter
(From this time forth I will no longer care
How many chapters, or how many lines,
To please my audience. This is eighty-four –
I’m going to please myself, if that makes sense.)
So, I was swimming, thinking, looking before
And looking backwards to where I was once,
Floating on the abyss totally lost
Without the ones I loved, to my great cost.
It did not cross my mind that endless time
Or that eternity has no beginning;
Beaumaris Castle, like Byzantium
Sat on the shore. Should I begin explaining
How this old ruin means to me ‘wisdom’?
That’s what I thought to keep myself from drowning
Thinking and grasping at the open seas.
How Britain could have given it to Greece
As we gave Cyprus, Thessaly and Crete
And could have let the Greeks have Istanbul
If there were men enough and faith to beat
The Ottomans when their old empire fell
At British hands, and if we had done right
We should have taken Constantinople.
I drowned in thoughts of this kind as I swam
Striking the water with a tired arm.
I think that prayer protects against despair
And think it gives the power to water walk.
While I am in eternity in prayer
Thoughts and events can’t ever make a mark
The past and future are resolved there.
The mind is timeless. Should there be a shark
Brought on by time and space in the abyss?
But time and space originate in us
They take their origin inside the unskilled mind.
So, in a sense, all time and space are unreal.
Christ told it straight: his mission in the land
Was driving demons out from his people.
And if I ended washed up on the sand,
A lifeless body, I was sure to fail
Because the demons in me dragged me under
The passions, thoughts, concerns, that make mind wander.
The greatest challenge England ever faced
Was when the Armada sailed, blessed by the Pope
To invade us, and to render us oppressed.
Spain represented Catholic Europe.
Our pirates went out fighting, but the rest
Was done by God who made a storm rise up
To smash the Spanish fleet and save the day;
And I was saved, too, in another way.
A man came walking to me on the water
“I am casting demons out by the power of God”
He said, and: “Demons linger around matter
And cause your soul and mind to run to seed.”
And I, “Please take me to my son and daughter,”
But he replied: “That is not what you need
But rather a great epic struggle now
Is taking place inside your simple soul.
“And that is why you have to be alone
The greatest task, the greatest adventure
Always unfinished, never ever done:
To make the soul eternal and dead pure.”
I made it to the further shore just then
And seemed to drown at first in some new horror
Of endless time, endless unbounded space
Stood on hard standing and no boundaries
Friendless and homeless now for ever more
And horrified, unless I could be still
And strong and clean in mind. From that bleak shore
I saw the towers of Constantinople
Or else Beaumaris, I could not be sure.
St Paisy Velichovsky, I know well
That it was him, approached me after that
To brush oil on my forehead, hands, and feet.
But how I knew him and what we discussed
I leave that to another part of this.
They say the kingdom is taken by force.
If you’re in the material world cosmos
You need to know how great power is released
From chemicals, from solid and from gas;
Such force as breaks up rocks and knocks down stone
You, out there, hear me tell you how it’s done.
Mix nitric acid and ammonia,
And heat them up to boiling. They explode
In presence of things apt to burn in fire.
You’ll find ammonia hidden in a load
Or urine. Catch the gas which comes from there.
But making nitric acid can be hard.
You need to synthesise sulphuric acid
And mix it with saltpetre. It is hard.
For sulfur acid, take the rock “fool’s gold”,
You bake the fool’s gold and collect its gas.
Add that to chlorine gas, which can be called
Forth from salt water, if you try to pass
Electric current through it. As I’ve told
Chlorine and sulfur gas make sulfur acid.
Now mix this with saltpetre for the nitric.
But how to get that is the real trick.
Saltpetre can be found in some manure;
Get one huge pile of it, add straw and ash
And add some urine. Leave it for a year
And let it cook, don’t let rain water wash
It all way, but cover it. After a year
Pour water through it, give it a good flush,
Now filter through potash that fetid water.
And dry it out to get your own saltpetre.
From fool’s gold, from manure, and from urine
From ashes, potash, years of fermentation,
From gas and acid, shit, straw and from brine,
Electricity, and experimentation,
Make an explosive that will get you in
Through any wall, or break in any nation.
But, see the heavenly city I have seen
By doing prayer to break right into heaven.
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