Having been taught by saint John and saint Mark
And by the circumstances and the places
Having been taught, I was more spirit now
Than flesh and blood. But when he is transfigured
A soul receives attention and more focus
From devils and the adversary of all good.
The fallen and immortal evil spirits
They take more care to attack you after that.
If my art could enlarge itself enough
I would allegorise in these chapters
What happens in the invisible struggle between
The soul and the adversary of all good.
In the afterlife, I found, false spirits are
As prevalent as they were in the first life
With this distinction: there you see them clearly
You see the them, if you want, in the other life.
When the soul prays and pays attention to
Its wandering mind and observes its own mind,
There are two minds in play, the natural one
And that new strong eternal watching mind.
This enigmatic situation where
Two minds inhabit the soul is solved as follows:
When praying God is watching and is joined
To the soul, and He is that great second mind.
And that is how, in the eternal world
It’s possible to see the infernal ghosts
Attacking you, darkness is visible.
When you escape the world through meditation
You don’t escape the spiritual entities
The killing shades of the past like a dose of something.
“There is that woman, that great dark jelly
Angry and violent and sure indifferent
“To any human decency or dispassion.”
I said to my companion, that apostle
Who learned from Peter everything he wrote.
She was inside the court yard and came in
On her wheels or whatever those things were
That made her move. “It is not really her,
Is it?” I said. And he said: “No. It is
The thing which dominated you through her.
“Which worked against you all the days of your life
Through her carnal embodiment and madness.”
So I sat and despaired in resignation
And in regret as I had used to do
In years on earth. “Lord, have mercy on me
For my sin,” I said as the dark and smell
Surrounded me like spiders in the night
And like the damp debris which rats inhabit.
The terrible environment of sin
Which I embraced, the mother of my children.
I could not cure it in the past because
‘This kind is only healed by prayer’ it is said.
And I reflected, saying to my wise friend:
“It got the better of me in the world
By sucking on the English institutions
Which I myself loved when I was alive
“And now I hate them, and I hate my country
Because they all helped her, as I see it now.
What was in her made me despair, that bonfire
Of faggots and destruction burned me down.”
The saint stood still, and in the quiet hall
The sound of whispered singing softly fell
And lulled me into a sleep, which was when he
The foremost gospel writer left me there.
O damp grass and mud, O vast empty desert
O mountain side, O cold and windy castle
Without wood panelling or finished plaster
O endless timeless place where men can’t live
I made a home in you there for a while
And held my head in my hands a while there
When St Mark left me. When I raised my eyes
I saw that there were images on the walls
Like those that Michaelangelo inscribed,
(Another drudge on earth in his own eyes
As I in mine); and someone talked to me:
“The tragic dramas, and the life of Jesus
Show this, that with the love there is disaster
And suffering, until the end of the world
Until the eternal life, we always lose.”
“Who are you?” I asked. “I am that Wellbecq
“Whose books you worked on, translating and reading
Whose essays tell that I was Orthodox,
Although half-hearted, like the last English King,
Charles Third, whose father, Phillip taught him well
The love of God in that correct good way.
But we were secretive and reluctant
In France and England, both, respectively.
Do not take it personally that you were haunted
“By the satanic powers in the world.
They cast a net across the entire globe
A pentagram was drawn from point to point
A five point star upside down in a circle
Drawn on the land of France and England, too.
Abortion clinics, sperm banks, and the like;
Imported goods imported foreign people;
Transhuman microchipped souls; high finance.
“Demonic all of it, the enemy
Of good and the commandments of the Lord.
A sterile devil worshipping dead land
A place without life where love is punished
And suffers pains like yours, but where love fails
And has no place. Where crucifixion
Is allegorically the final end
Of following the two great holy laws.”
So he spoke, my contemporary, the writer
Who fled the muslims and the liberals
From France in exile to the coast of Ireland
Since he loved truth and it held him in thrall,
Because muslims and their white satanic friends
Had used their laws respectively against him.
“I want to talk to God about this matter.
Why do we suffer when we do what’s right?
“Why is the humble and most loving soul
Despised and poor, and more than that, aware
Of all his wrong? What I required was simple
To look after my family, son and daughter.
But they were born of that demonic woman
And so it was impossible though simple.”
He pointed to the centre of the room
Where was the stage for the sacramental drama
And there was singing from the open air
I went up on the stage or killing floor
Conscious it was the place for conscious prayer
And confession. The singing was like this:
‘Let us now lay aside all earthly care’;
I felt obliged to speak: “The infernal shade
And her persistent anger and attempts
To make me die are in my afterlife
“We turned a blind eye to it and excused it.
The lies she told that constantly ran free
Which we forgave or thought were natural
The ugliness and cheating and the power
And the coercion, by these means the children
Were taken from me. Year to year it went
Denial of love, absence of my dear ones
With unemployment, idleness life long
“While she was taking legally binding charity
Twisting and turning good to evil ends
Law into crime, chaotic life where each day
Devours and kills the promises we made
Mere hours before. We turned a blind eye on this
And walked on with the dog muck footprints marking
Where I had been. Without a place to stay
And when I had a home she came for that
“The theft of my last refuge by a court
And the estates of that diminished land.”
So I spoke, like a man blowing a bugle
For ceremony and under duress
On the boundary or in the heart of heaven
I did not know. Trying to exorcise
The wrong that I had done. When I looked up
Were people watching, massed ranks looking down.
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