I made talk in the night as I have told
With the creator of the universe
And spoke again: “We abandoned the world
Receiving poverty and friendlessness
As punishment. Like Anthony of old
Or like Jesus, for better or for worse
We kept on trying, for better or for worse
We lived like Jesus’ early followers.
“Meek as the monks that Henry Tudor’s knights
Drove from the abbeys and the monasteries
Now we are nobles enjoying the ancient rights
An English man on his own land enjoys
To cultivate the land and go on shoots
In the green waxed jackets that they wear outdoors
With rubber wellingtons around their feet
Using a Landrover to get about.”
The still small voice replied: “It’s the reward
Of the dispassionate heart in this kingdom.
Fit for a soul obedient to God.”
And I said: “How is the earth a second time
Different from what it was when it was made?
The poor in spirit can now call it their home
And they can talk directly as we are
As at a festival or at a public bar?
“All happy as you feel when drinking wine
Relaxed and tolerant with other folks
As it was when we went for communion?”
And he said: “We have had our little talks
And spoken with each other man to man.
But in your first life, you would not relax
And hear me well, except at liturgy
At liturgy we met just like today.
“Behind red curtains drawn across a stage
Which hide the scene when props and men prepare;
So was I near to you in that past age
So close to you and yet hidden and far.
I know you, weary from this pilgrimage
You want your children and your wife. I hear.
I know the plans I have for you, to prosper
And not to harm you; plans of hope and the future.”
I know what you think. You would like to know
You want some proof that what I have described happened.
What did God look like? When I looked I saw
In the joyous freedom of imagination
Coupled with ideal forms of right and law,
The other half of my soul’s composition
My wife, my optimistic loyal friend
My eyes adored her, my start and my end.
I used my eyes to see my great maker
But saw the inheritor of my grandmother
How she provides for me with loving care
Prepares my food and house when I don’t bother
And she expects me to be a man for her.
She is attentive to her clothes and hair
And she deserves my praise and all my love
My children are like cubs, she the she wolf.
So when I looked at God I saw my wife
My house, my kids, and other things I love.
But if you don’t look, then there is no proof.
I looked again and then he seemed to have
A million beautiful things up his sleeve.
A dancing party where the dancers move
In ceremonial dress in celebration
Of some old battle fought over their nation
Which they survived, to reproduce their kind.
A knees-up with some music and singing
Astonishing young women hand in hand
A ritual winter dance, or for the spring,
The beauty of it mystified my mind.
A get-together of the old and young
That I would wish to see in my homeland
If it were ever raised where it lies damned.
That’s what I saw, or just fraction of it
When I looked to the source of what I heard.
“And what about the woman that I left
The bad one I divorced. Is she now dead?
It would be wrong to say I have not loved
A wife who had my balls. Where is she?” I said.
He did not answer. I sat down in sorrow
Thinking of the past and worried about tomorrow.
Of my mistakes and the punishment for them
And things which could not have been otherwise
Which I did badly or caused others harm,
Of children out there, distant from my eyes,
Out there for real, like me, far from their home,
Their mother dead, my happiness in tears.
A man is not complete when he is alone
The human being is a twofold union.
My complex book is very hard to read
So I would feign provide a summary
And draw a breath. The universe had died,
Compressed down to a singularity.
When I woke up I was resurrected
And found a plot of land and family.
I had my orders to encourage it
And build a home for us on that small plot.
Then, having orders to leave it behind
I walked to Flint; the children came along.
It was a castle on the river strand
The river Dee it was, all wide and strong.
Inside, immortal spirits turned my mind
To justice sanctioned by the English king
Which men have framed and used in previous days
And will live on forever and always.
From there to Rhuddlan castle on the coast
I went, but many of these mansions were
Raised on the beach for King Edward the First,
I didn’t know why, then, and didn’t care.
In there I saw how states are governed best.
Crossing the straits at Anglesey I saw
My children taken from me; so, from then
I carried on unhappy and alone.
It was on that island at Beaumaris
I was instructed by the greatest saints
The Church has sheltered, and straight after this
I crossed back to Caernarvon’s battlements
Where truth and talk were shown to be the prize
Awarded after these high achievements.
I learned that being saved was life’s true point
And talked with God. That is my testament.
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