Do not hide from me and my mother, we are watching,
Says the Son. Rejoice and see with me, as I am born
A child, a baby, says the son.
Nothing else is going to happen, except I am born,
To watch with you. My mother and I are watching
And know about you.
I am watching says the son.
I can do nothing for you, but I am watching
And with my Father. We see you. What?
A child, a mere baby – do you think
That I can help you out where you have put yourself?
Among the explanations and the cold politeness,
Those awaiting payment, how shall I help or act
On your behalf? You are alone.
Though I made all the world
It was made so that you are free
Though I made all the world
I cannot help you, says the son.
But I can see you, hard done to and hurt, maybe.
We are watching also the mistakes that you made
And your happiness.
The pains or the mental regret
Are tough, but watch yourself and see
How you are to blame; endure and take it.
The baby in the cradle or in his mother’s arms
Will not be so confined and wrapped in cloths forever
And that purest childhood vision, the child’s perception
For what is wrong against you and done to you
Does not go unnoticed, is not forgotten or ignored by me.
Maybe, like a child at play, playing a game
I also am prone one day to be merciless and stern
In some future time. Be consoled in that
The birth of something great and infinite
Starts in the watch and being silent of the child.
From the arms of my mother I can look around and see
And we are watching, surprised and open mouthed
And conscious of what’s going on.
Endure and be consoled. I am born
Like you, says the son.
Even in the indifferent town and when you are confined
In office or in van, when the mortal frame gives way
And is awash with smears of oil and blood,
When you are one and alone amongst the terrors of trial
And process, I know that it is going on.
And feel for you with the violent kindness of the infant.
And the purity of seeing what is right and wrong.
Today, rejoice and know that we are watching
Do not hide yourself,
My Father and me are watching with you
With the eternal squadrons of the six eyed cherubim;
We know what is going on and see the truth
The way a child sees, hopeful, uncompromising
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