
Psalm 22 of the Septuagint

I, David, sing: The Lord takes care of me,

And nothing that I need is ever late.

In fertile places covered in green shoots

There he will pitch my tent and let me rest,

Where peaceful water flows he brought me up,

He gave direction to my soul and mind.

He pushed me out onto the tracks of justice

To go wherever things possess his name.

If I were crossing through the very centre

Of total shadow even unto death,

I would not be afraid of evil there

Because I know that you would be with me;

Your heavy walking cane and upright rod,

They would be called upon to help me out.

You will prepare a table in the presence

Of my afflictions and them who oppose me;

You will anoint my head with fragrant oil,

And my glass will be filled up to the top

With your inebriating unmixed wine.

And your compassion follows after me

Through every day of life, and I will live

In my lord’s house for days which exceed number.

Design Jason Powell, 2020.

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