
Queen of heaven

Sometimes, you look like the queen of heaven

But be a woman to me

You think, that you are the queen of heaven

But be a woman to me

We’ll be, both crowned

And garlanded with flowers

We’ll be, both crowned

When wed.


As in a dream of sleep

Love brought you to me like

A wish fulfilling vision

In which you ate my heart.

I saw you first when hearing

When listening to a sermon

About madness and the cure

Of a woman of whose possessed.

And I believed that you

Were like a saint come from

Out of the other world

As my reward for being good.

But you upset me girl

Unsettling me a lot

When you depart too much

And get your big ideas

Don’t be so fast but be

My easy going girl.


And still we have come through

I know just what you like:

Exuberance and joy

And sunlight on the sea

And clovers with four leaves

And good and moral things

You’re good and big and lovely

And you want happiness

A bag strapped to your back

You’re always apt to leave

Why do girls trust to joy

That miracles can happen?

But you upset me girl

Unsettling me a lot

When you depart too much

And get your big ideas

Don’t be so fast but be

My easy going girl.


Design Jason Powell, 2020.

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