This land is my land, your land, our land
For all my time in the light of life,
Until the end
For its mercy and peace and truth and law
And the quiet identity and trust
That is our share.
I have loved and have let it teach my heart
And I’ve dreamed of its happiness
The land is my heart.
I have worn my land’s uniform abroad
And I went to its schools and learned well there
And got some award.
And I worked from the Highlands to the Thames
From the fastness of Wales and o’the north East
I worked with my hands.
But I remember it hurt more than I can say
When they told me my Army was not mine
And sent me away.
This land is my land, your land, our land
For all my time in the light of life,
Until the end
For its mercy and peace and truth and law
And the quiet identity and trust
That is our share.
I have loved and have let it teach my heart
And I’ve dreamed of its happiness
The land is my heart.
Or I went begging for help once, to the court
And found only disbelief and lies
Because I was not their sort.
Did I dream that at work I gave skin and bone
And that after many years giving, I found
What I’d made was not mine.
And the chief of the land, retired and proud
He grew rich, and he kept to himself
The taxes he owed.
This land is my land, your land, our land
For all my time in the light of life,
Until the end
For its mercy and peace and truth and law
And the quiet identity and trust
That is our share.
I have loved and have let it teach my heart
And I’ve dreamed of its happiness
The land is my heart.
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