
Why I'm no longer talking to atheists about life


After the challenges of good and evil

And the events occurring inside time and space

A door was opened and then there they were

The truthful ones, the free, the holy ones.


A slave is one whose body’s not his own.

Did you forget? Why give up that

And thus become a slave?

Did you think to be master over me?

The master is not owner of his mind.

But I am free, because I was made so

My mind is free because it was made so

It was created individual.

I do not say I’m right all of the time

Or even that I must be right sometimes

There is the likelihood of being wrong.


After the challenges of good and evil

And the events occurring inside time and space

A door was opened and then there they were

The truthful ones, the free, the holy ones.


I’ll bow to God, completely on my own,

And no one else is there, only my maker.

A man who has removed himself from that

Is capable of doing anything,

They do not tell the truth when they’re a crowd

There is no limit to their ambition

To make me do the crimes they want to do

They do not know the truth, they turn from it.


After the challenges of good and evil

And the events occurring inside time and space

A door was opened and then there they were

The truthful ones, the free, the holy ones.


See the desert of the actions of the crowd

Which made a waste where there was once some life.

I have a family,

But you, the crowd, the state, ungovernable,

Having no freedom, and winged like a bat,

You found the flower of love

You broke into the sanctuary of the home

And with your hands tore up that giant flower

The multifoliate rose scented with fire,

And spread the petals all about your dirty feet.


After the challenges of good and evil

And the events occurring inside time and space

A door was opened and then there they were

The truthful ones, the free, the holy ones.


That person without love for God is dangerous

He only talks like any crowd does, falsely

And so I will not speak of life with you.

And, oh, I almost didn’t tell you this:

You don’t believe in life like I do, either;

Because when I’m with God I cannot die

Because it’s everlasting and created life.

Design Jason Powell, 2020.

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